En diversas áreas de la matemática aplicada un dilema frecuente es la búsqueda de la solución más apropiada para determinado problema. Si la naturaleza del problema lo permite, es conveniente formularlo en términos matemáticos para encarar su solución. Esta búsqueda de valores óptimos constituye el tema de estudio de la optimización matemática. Pero para poder abordar la teoría de optimización se necesitan conocimientos elementales sobre convexidad de conjuntos y funciones. En especial para el estudio de la teoría económica, el problema de convexidad constituye un importante desafío
It is important to provide undergrad students in Economics with the basic mathematical
notions that will let them gradually understand the concepts in Economic Analysis with
foundations in the methods and resources usually employed.
To understand the Theory of Optimization the students need to develop elementary
knowledge about the convexity of set and functions. The problem of convexity constitutes an important chal-lenge for economic theory. Basic notions on lineal combinations of vectors in a real vector space are important, and in particular convex lineal combinations, since they have implications in formalizing concepts about convex sets and functions. Sets that constitute the convex cone of a finite set of points can be analytically formalized by means of lineal convex combinations. For the students enrolled in Calculus II to achieve an intuitive comprehension of these tools, we propose the analytical interpretation of some cases, for example two or more points in the plane, along with the geometrical and graphical interpretation of such concepts and the use of appropriate software.
This constitutes a preliminary study on convexity that the students can develop by
using the webpage that this course has in the Virtual Campus of the UNCuyo
Ciencias económicas - Administración - Matemática
Palabras clave :
Matemática aplicada - Cálculo matemático
Cómo citar este trabajo:
González, Mirta Susana.
Un estudio preliminar sobre convexidad.
Mendoza, .
Dirección URL del informe: /8721.
Fecha de consulta del artículo: 31/03/25.